About Us
Here at Nulook Epoxy we can satisfy all of your epoxy needs. We specialize in all applications of coating listed in our Service Section. We have the ability to turn any older surface into an extremely durable, seamless and easy to clean finish! Our products are water resistant so never worry about flooding in the basement and the garage can be cleaned quickly with a hose!

Nulook Epoxy was established in 2016 by Tom Tar and Gavin Blunt with the goal to provide customers with easy to clean, low maintenance and extremely durable flooring for their home. With the full 100% flake coverage Nulook was the first to create the perfect combination of a luxurious floor paired with the strongest durability that can withstand the outdoor elements.

Today we offer a wide variety colour selection to match any area of the home specializing in garages, basements and porches. We take pride in our concrete repair to ensure the surface will appear brand new and provide the highest quality of workmanship.

(519) 966-0700
We take pride in our high quality finishes and ensure the customer is 100% satisfied before the job is completed.